If you child has all eight centers crossed off then they finished their centers for the week. If kids finish on Friday, they get to play ipads during center time...they LOVE this!
Here are a few examples of centers from last week...
Spot the sight word - Kids needed to read and write each sight word correctly.
We have been talking about vowels in kindergarten for the past couple weeks. We call these our "sticky letters" because every word has at least one vowel and they stick the other letters together. You might talk about these letters at home too and practice writing words with a specific vowel. For example, words with short a.
We also practiced writing the vowel we heard at the beginning of the words.
Each week, the kinders get to use dobbers (which they LOVE!) to spot all of one letter on the page. Last week we found T's. This week we are finding C's.
This was a hard center for us. We have been practicing reading and recognizing the number words. Last week we had to match the correct word to the correct number.
Something else we do each week are "Chit-Chat's." Every Monday we introduce the letter of the week and complete our morning chit-chat. We have to figure out the missing letters, complete the words, practice writing the letter of the week, and think of some other words that begin with the new letter.
One last thing I wanted to share with you today is our "scribble art." We practice our letter of the week in these little books at carpet. We read a list of words that begin with the letter of the week, and then we do our scribble art step by step to create a picture of something beginning with our letter. The kids love these and it helps with following 2- and 3-step directions.
Thanks for taking a look at our hard work in kindergarten! I will try and stay up on things through the holidays;) Darci
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