Our math curriculum has been focused on numbers 6-10, but we have been doing much more than that. Look at this last number sentence! We are starting to add and think about number equations already...yay!!!
Although, we are learning a lot check out these cute Christmas projects (I forgot to take a picture of one...so that will have to come later)
This last Christmas Tree activity is always tricky for kinders. They have to cut out the trees, count the ornaments, put the trees in order from 1-10 and then add the numerals. Lots of things to think about!
I wanted to share this next activity with you because it shows what kind of reading we are starting to do in kindergarten. We have started blending words with the short /a/ sound, but the curriculum will begin blending next week. The kids have been ready to start this and doing well. After the winter break we will be doing even more of this in the classroom. If you have some time over the vacation practice reading and writing some of these words. Thanks!
The kids had to read the words on the ornaments and color them the correct color.
In my kindergarten classroom I always make word family houses. The kids love this and are learning so much! This is more practice for us to read and blend short words together.
Thank you so much for reading about what he have been up to in room 6! I will post one more time about our December happenings. It will probably be over the break and I will include some photos of our holiday celebration days.
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