Thursday, January 29, 2015


I know it has been too long since I showed you all the awesome things your kids are doing in room 6! We have been super busy with winter related things, such as snowflakes, snowmen, and penguins!!! I just love teaching kids about penguins are Arctic animals:)) I will start with these cute snowflakes we made with a coffee filter and their handprints...

Next, we added a Rookery of Penguins! They are so cute! We read books about penguins, made lists of facts about penguins, and wrote about penguins.

The kids did an awesome job on this next assignment. We made a little penguin craft, but also had to write a sentence about penguins. We practiced having a capital at the beginning, spaces between our words, and a period at the end.

The class also created an addition problem using a penguin, green fish, and purple fish. Everyone is doing really well with addition sentences in math!

We finished up with snowmen when we returned from winter break. We made these yummy snowman treats and cute snowmen in our hallway.

Thanks so much for taking a look! We will be studying polar bears and walruses for the next couple weeks. Have a great weekend!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome back and happy new year! We have picked up right where we left off in kindergarten. It's always amazing (and wonderful) to me how kindergartners start to blossom and really take off in January! I LOVE it!!!! During the month of January we will be doing a lot of writing about winter, studying winter, and doing winter themed projects (snowflakes, snowmen, and penguins). We will continue with Arctic animals in February as well.

Last week we started to discuss winter and the clothes you wear in winter. We read the book, The Jacket I Wear in the Snow and labeled this person with the clothes we might wear during winter.

The kids colored their own people and wrote about the clothes they wear in the winter. I didn't take any pictures of these, but they all took them home on Wednesday. The kids also drew pictures of winter and wrote 2 things they wonder about winter...most of them wonder if it will snow this year;) After reading many books about winter this week, the kinders wrote about what "We Can, We Have, and We See" in winter. I LOVE what they came up with!



We made these snowflakes from squares and rectangles...I love these. We will make snowmen to go with them next week.

We continued working on math journals this week and writing number sentences to 10. Check out these two math strategies!

The kids practiced reading and writing words ending with -an this week. Here is our word family house.
Ask your child to practice writing these words at home.
Last, but not least we made this graph to determine if our class likes to wear gloves or mittens better.
I was surprised more kids liked mittens! They usually say gloves are better for playing outside;))
Hope you all have a great weekend and I will see you soon!