Monday, April 20, 2015


We have busy this month growing plants in kindergarten! We have been learning SO much about seeds, how they grow, the parts of the plants, and what they  need to grow.

I LOVE these little "green houses" where we sprout our green beans! The kids get to see the roots and sprouts grow from the seed with a little water and sunlight! And they are just stinkin' cute! These green bean plants will be coming home soon, as some of them are growing over the tops of the green houses!

We had four different types of grasses to plant. We planted alfalfa, wheat, oats, and rye grass. The alfalfa sprouted first! Sure has been fun to watch them grow! We will cut the grass tomorrow and see what happens after that. Sunflowers will be next!

We have also been "growing" a garden in the classroom;) The kids have been learning about roots we can eat and we have painted, cut out, and put our roots in the garden. We still have strawberries, squash, and peas to add to the garden!

This next project just makes me think of spring! We made a picture of a flower along with the sun, rain, and soil that a plant needs to grow. Super cute!

We still have a few plant things to do this month. I will make sure they get posted before we move on to zoo animals in May!


Friday, April 17, 2015

Report cards? Uh-Oh!

Sooooo, my report cards have been done since WEDNESDAY and they have been sitting on the counter ready to go home....and...then...I FORGOT! AHHHHHH! I am very sorry!!!! They will go home Monday, for sure!!! We have been so busy in kindergarten with plants, reading, writing, adding, and nice weather (of course) that it completely slipped my mind this afternoon. Again, I am sorry!

I  wanted to share our plant things with you, but I can't get my pics to upload. I will try again later  this weekend. The kids have been so busy sprouting green beans, growing grass, and making our "garden" vegetables. Hope I can get things to work in the next couple of days.

Again, I am so sorry about the report cards and will get them home Monday....FOR SURE!!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sunshine, Darci